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- The Common Cold Addressed by Scalar Energy Cleanse
- The Role of the Standardized Scalar Light Sessions to Palliate and Prevent Autoimmune Disorders
- Scalar Light Testimony Following Tom’s Interview on Coast to Coast
- HIV Positive for 25 Years then HIV is GONE – PCR Test Result
- Varicella Zoster Virus (Shingles) NEGATIVE PCR Test Following Scalar Light Sessions
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- Epstein Barr PCR Test Results
- Epstein Barr Testimonials
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- HIV PCR Test Results
- HIV Testimonials
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- Shingles PCR Test Results
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alternative medicine arthritis autoimmune disorders autoimmune prevention autoimmune response cervical cancer chakra balancing chihuahua chronic fatigue cold prevention common cold cytomegalovirus dermatitis dog energy cleanse energy therapy flu prevention graves disease greyhound herpes simplex hhv6 holistic health human herpesvirus 6 immune support immune system lesion neck nutrient therapy pathogen cleanse pathogenic cleanse peripheral neuropathy psoriasis ptsd quantum healing rheumatoid arthritis rna scalar energy scalar light scalar wave shoulders sleep thyroid varicella zoster viral cleanse wart